Stacy Clearman is one of our local songwriters that serves on our festival team. He is a local full time business man & volunteer minister that loves being part of songwriting communities.

He’s been as close as you can get behind the scenes to getting some cuts, but hasn’t had that big break just yet. But he doesn’t write songs for that purpose, it’s something he truly loves doing daily, almost like therapy.
Stacy says, “There’s nothing more thrilling than trying to solve the riddle of pulling a melody, chord, riff, beat, and/or lyric from thin air…and turning it into something organized that can be heard thousands of times at the same time.”
While being more of an Americana artist & sound of his own, as a songwriter, he writes across various landscapes & imagines other people & styles singing his songs, even before writing them. You can follow along with his songwriting journey on socials @stacyclearman.
He also had the joy of touring full time in his early 20’s with his band & jokes that he’s glad the internet & social media didn’t exist yet, because there’s very little proof of any of it, & that’s a good thing.
But most importantly, he is proud to be the dad of Rachel Clearman, an up & coming singer songwriter, also performing for her 3rd year in the festival. They may even share a set!

PBSF Performance Schedule:


4:30pm – Courtyard Marriot Downtown Pensacola


6:00pm – The Sandbar Sunset

** All events are free, except where noted. Schedule is subject to change, please check back for updates.