Alt-Country and blues. Faith and experience shape the man and his music. Shawn Bowling’s songwriting and musical style is heavily influenced by bluegrass & gospel from his childhood in the Ozark’s and by traditional blues from his years in the Mississippi Delta. A well-spring of inspiring stories is drawn from his work in ministry, medicine, and the military, as well as his always entertaining family and friends. Love and devotion to God, his family, and friends provide meaning to everything he does. Shawn grew up in a family of musicians and has been active in music all his life. He has served as band member, band leader, and worship leader. He has been active in gulf coast area songwriter’s groups and has participated in songwriter events and festivals since 2001. He released his LP “A Song in Every Life” in the Spring of 2015.


PBSF Performance Schedule:

FRI OCT 6 – 6:00pm * Concert of Light at  The Beach Church – Ticketed Event – Info & Tickets
SUN OCT 8 – 11:00am-1:00pm  * Ministry of Music – Salty Rose/ Pensacola Beach Resort

** All events are free, except where noted. Schedule is subject to change, please check back for updates.